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LUKE 1: 39-45


The encounter between Mary and Elizabeth, as recounted in the Gospel of Luke (1:39-45), is a profound moment in the Christian narrative that encapsulates themes of faith, recognition, and divine purpose. Mary, having received the angel Gabriel’s announcement of her miraculous conception, travels to the hill country of Judah to visit her relative Elizabeth. This visit is not merely a familial gesture; it signifies the intersection of two pivotal figures in salvation history. Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist, recognizes the significance of Mary’s presence, leading to a powerful exchange filled with the Holy Spirit. When Mary arrives and greets Elizabeth, the infant John leaps in Elizabeth’s womb, a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence and the recognition of Jesus even before His birth. Elizabeth’s exclamation, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb,” affirms Mary’s unique role in God’s salvific plan.

Catholic interpretation emphasizes the theological implications of this meeting, particularly in the acknowledgment of Mary as “the Mother of my Lord.” Elizabeth’s proclamation highlights the dual nature of Christ, affirming His divinity even before His birth. The moment when the infant John leaps in Elizabeth’s womb serves as a prophetic recognition of the Messiah’s presence. This encounter illustrates the importance of faith, as Elizabeth praises Mary for believing in the fulfillment of God’s promises. The Visitation not only underscores the blessedness of Mary but also sets the stage for the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan through the lives of these two women, who embody the virtues of humility, faith, and obedience. Through this visitation, we witness a profound moment of divine revelation and the joy that accompanies the recognition of God’s work in our lives.

Luke 1:39-40 “In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.”

In Luke 1:39-40, we witness a significant moment in the narrative of the Annunciation, where Mary visits her relative Elizabeth after receiving the angel Gabriel’s message about her miraculous conception. This passage marks a profound moment immediately following the Annunciation, filled with themes of faith, community, and recognition of God’s work.

Mary’s Faith and Obedience:
Mary’s swift response to the angel’s message demonstrates her profound faith and obedience to God’s will. Despite the potential dangers and hardships of travel, especially for a young woman in her condition, Mary’s decision to go “with haste” indicates her eagerness to serve and her trust in God’s plan. This journey symbolizes her acceptance and active participation in the divine mission entrusted to her. Mary’s visit to Elizabeth can be seen as an act of faith and obedience. She responds to God’s call with trust, despite the potential for social stigma and personal sacrifice. This act of visiting Elizabeth illustrates her willingness to embrace her role in God’s plan. The Catholic interpretation emphasizes that Mary’s faith is a model for all believers, encouraging them to trust in God’s promises even when faced with challenges.

The Importance of Community and Support:
Mary’s journey to visit Elizabeth reflects the importance of community and familial support in times of uncertainty. After the angel’s announcement, Mary could have felt isolated and overwhelmed by the enormity of her role as the mother of Jesus. By seeking out Elizabeth, who was also experiencing a miraculous pregnancy, Mary finds companionship and affirmation. This visit underscores the value of relationships in nurturing faith and courage, especially among women, who are often the unsung heroes in biblical narratives.

Recognition of God’s Work:
Elizabeth’s response to Mary is pivotal. Upon Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s unborn child, John the Baptist, leaps in her womb, signifying the recognition of Jesus even before His birth. This moment is filled with the Holy Spirit, illustrating that God is at work through both women, despite their societal status as marginalized figures. Elizabeth’s proclamation that Mary is “blessed among women” (Lk 1:42) emphasizes the honor bestowed upon Mary for her faith and obedience to God’s will. This blessing not only acknowledges Mary’s unique role but also highlights the transformative power of God working through those who are often overlooked.

Joyful Service:
The visit to Elizabeth is not merely a familial gesture but a profound act of service and love. Mary’s actions reflect a key aspect of Christian discipleship – selfless love and care for others. Her willingness to help Elizabeth during her pregnancy exemplifies the call to serve others joyfully and selflessly.

The Role of the Holy Spirit:
This encounter is rich with the presence of the Holy Spirit. Mary’s visit to Elizabeth brings about a recognition of the divine presence within her, leading Elizabeth to be filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaim Mary blessed. This meeting illustrates the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, which brings joy, revelation, and a deep sense of communion among believers.

Model of Christian Fellowship:
The interaction between Mary and Elizabeth models Christian fellowship, where mutual support, encouragement, and recognition of God’s work in each other’s lives are central. This visit shows how faith communities should function – uplifting one another and rejoicing in God’s blessings.

The Visitation Feast:
The Church celebrates this event through the Feast of the Visitation (May 31), highlighting the significance of Mary’s visit. It is a time to reflect on Mary’s readiness to serve, her faith in God’s promises, and the joy that comes from recognizing Christ in our midst.

Luke 1:39-40 serves as a profound reminder of the importance of community, the recognition of God’s work in the lives of the faithful, and the call to respond with faith and obedience. Through the interactions of Mary and Elizabeth, the passage invites believers to reflect on their own relationships and the ways in which they can support one another in their spiritual journeys. This narrative not only celebrates the unique roles of women in salvation history but also encourages all Christians to be open to God’s transformative presence in their lives.

O Holy Mary, Mother of God, you showed us the way of true discipleship through your faith and willingness to serve. Help us to follow your example by trusting in God’s plan for our lives and by reaching out to others with love and compassion. May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with joy and guide us in our journey of faith. Amen.


In Luke 1:41-45, we witness a profound moment of recognition and joy between two women, Mary and Elizabeth, who are both experiencing miraculous pregnancies. This passage is rich in theological meaning and reflects key themes in the Gospel of Luke. Below is a verse-by-verse interpretation from a Catholic perspective.

Luke 1:41: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit,”

This verse highlights the immediate and dramatic recognition of the presence of Jesus by John the Baptist, even before his birth. The leaping of John in Elizabeth’s womb signifies not only his awareness of Jesus but also his role as the forerunner to the Messiah. The filling of Elizabeth with the Holy Spirit indicates that she is empowered to proclaim the truth about Mary and her child, emphasizing the divine nature of the events unfolding. This moment illustrates the sanctity of life, affirming that even unborn children have a relationship with God and can respond to His presence. The leaping of the infant in Elizabeth’s womb signifies John’s recognition of Jesus, fulfilling the prophecy that John would be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb (Lk 1:15).

Luke 1:42: “And she exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!'”

Elizabeth’s loud cry, inspired by the Holy Spirit, acknowledges Mary’s unique role in salvation history. By calling Mary “most blessed among women,” she highlights Mary’s exalted status as the Mother of God. The phrase “blessed is the fruit of your womb” emphasizes the sacredness of Jesus, recognizing Him as the Messiah. Elizabeth’s proclamation reflects the Church’s reverence for Mary and the divine blessing that Jesus brings to the world. This moment serves as a foreshadowing of the Magnificat, where Mary will further express her gratitude and praise for God’s work in her life.

Luke 1:43: “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

In this verse, Elizabeth expresses humility and astonishment that she would be visited by Mary, the mother of her Lord. The term “my Lord” signifies Elizabeth’s recognition of Jesus as her Savior and God. This verse highlights the mystery of the Incarnation, where God comes to dwell among His people in the person of Jesus Christ. Elizabeth’s awe mirrors the reverence and gratitude Christians should feel towards God’s salvific plan. This title reflects her understanding of Jesus’ divine identity and mission and underscores the theme of grace.

Luke 1:44: “For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.”

Elizabeth articulates the joy that John experiences in recognizing Jesus’ presence. This joy is not merely emotional but is deeply spiritual, indicating the fulfillment of God’s promises. The leaping of John serves as a prophetic act, affirming his role in preparing the way for Jesus. This verse invites reflection on the joy that comes from recognizing and responding to God’s presence in our lives, a joy that transcends circumstances.

Luke 1:45: “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”

Here, Elizabeth praises Mary’s faith, contrasting it with the disbelief shown by Zechariah earlier in the narrative. Mary’s belief in the angel’s message is central to her role in salvation history. This verse emphasizes the importance of faith in God’s promises, a key theme in Luke’s Gospel. Elizabeth’s affirmation serves as a reminder to all believers of the blessings that come from trusting in God’s word and His plans for us. This verse underscores Mary’s faith and willingness to cooperate with God’s plan, making the Incarnation possible.


The encounter between Mary and Elizabeth, as portrayed in Luke 1:39-45, encapsulates the profound joy and recognition of God’s presence and work in the world. This meeting, filled with the Holy Spirit, highlights the pivotal roles these two women play in salvation history. Elizabeth’s greeting and the leaping of John the Baptist in her womb signify the recognition of Jesus’ divine nature even before His birth. This passage underscores the importance of faith and obedience to God’s plan, as exemplified by Mary’s swift and eager response to the angel’s message. It also emphasizes the value of community and support, as Mary seeks out Elizabeth’s companionship and affirmation during this miraculous time.

Furthermore, the Visitation serves as a model for Christian fellowship, illustrating how believers can support and uplift each other through mutual recognition of God’s work in their lives. The joyous proclamation of Elizabeth and the humble faith of Mary invite us to reflect on our own responses to God’s call and to embrace the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Through this sacred encounter, we are reminded of the blessings that come from trusting in God’s promises and the importance of nurturing our faith within a supportive and loving community.


O Holy Mary, Mother of God, you showed us the way of true discipleship through your faith and willingness to serve. Help us to follow your example by trusting in God’s plan for our lives and by reaching out to others with love and compassion. May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with joy and guide us in our journey of faith. Amen.

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